Floating Island and Master Campaign

5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
12 év fölött
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  1. 5-ből 3,5 csillag, 110 vélemény alapján
Floating Island and Master Campaign

A brand new campaign awaits you. Only one can be the Grandmaster, will you be the one to beat all six Masters of the Game? The journey starts high above the clouds with your battle against the master of the wind. A totally new battlefield lies there on flying isles of stone. Between bruning fires and beautiful waterfalls you will fight till victory or defeat! All six masters will come for you with a different strategy, you will need all your knowledge and tactics to become the one Grandmaster!

Floating Island and Master Campaign
  • 2011. 11. 18.
  • Targem Games
  • TopWare Interactive AG
  • Kártya és táblás, Fejtörő és műveltségi
  1. Floating Island and Master Campaign
    5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
    • 2011. 11. 18.
    • 71,46 MB
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    A brand new campaign awaits you. Only one can be the Grandmaster, will you be the one to beat all six Masters of the Game? The journey starts high above the clouds with your battle against the master of the wind. A totally new battlefield lies there on flying isles of stone. Between bruning fires and beautiful waterfalls you will fight till victory or defeat! All six masters will come for you with a different strategy, you will need all your knowledge and tactics to become the one Grandmaster!