Narco Terror

Narco Terror
5-ből 3,75 csillag, 14 vélemény alapján
16 év fölött
Narco Terror

Dishing out justice, one grenade at a time! Narco Terror combines the good of the old and the amazing of the new in an action-packed twin-stick shooter about an over-the-top one-man war against a drug cartel. In true arcade-style, it is filled with unlimited ammo, ear-splitting grenades, huge explosions, massive tanks, armed helicopters and fast planes. 1-2 players drop in/out, local and online.

Narco Terror
  • Deep Silver
  • Deep Silver
  • Lövöldözős
  • Offline együttműködés: 1–2
  • Dolby Digital
Online szolgáltatások
  • Online együttműködés: 2
  • Ranglisták
Xbox Live


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Az összes Játékdemók

1–1., összesen: 1
A játék próbaverziója - Narco Terror
  • 2013. 07. 31.
  • 1,27 GB
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Dishing out justice, one grenade at a time! Narco Terror combines the good of the old and the amazing of the new in an action-packed twin-stick shooter about an over-the-top one-man war against a drug cartel. In true arcade-style, it is filled with unlimited ammo, ear-splitting grenades, huge explosions, massive tanks, armed helicopters and fast planes. 1-2 players drop in/out, local and online.
1–1., összesen: 1