
0 件のレビューで、星 5 個中 0 個
¥1,000 (税抜)
CERO D - 17 才以上対象

* 実際の購入価格は、販売店にお問い合わせください。


Eight years since the defeat of the alien invasion and the destruction of the Mothership, civilization recovered most of the prosperity it once had. In 2025 a new state of emergency arises as giant aliens and insects are discovered deep underground. The Ravagers have evolved, and are stronger than ever. The Earth Defense Force must now stand up to these terrifying creatures to save humanity once more! The long awaited sequel that hardcore shooter fans demanded, Earth Defense Force®2025 is an action shooting bonanza that arms players to repel the most terrifying invasion of giant aliens the world has ever seen. Equip hundreds of weapons across four character classes and exterminate menacing creatures of all sizes to save the world!

  • 2019/08/27
  • Sandlot
  • D3Publisher of America, Inc.
  • アクション & アドベンチャー, シューティング
  • オフライン プレイヤー 1 - 2
  • オフライン協力プレイ 1 - 2
  • Dolby Digital
  • オンライン マルチプレイヤー 1 - 4
  • オンライン協力プレイ 1 - 4
Xbox Live



Xbox のコンテンツを Xbox.com からご購入いただけます。コンテンツは、ご購入後に Xbox 360 本体から Xbox Live にサインインすると、自動的にダウンロードされます。


すべての ゲーム

1 - 1 / 1
0 件のレビューで、星 5 個中 0 個
  • 2019/08/27
  • 4.82 GB
次のリンクをメールやインスタント メッセージに貼って、友達に紹介しましょう:
Eight years since the defeat of the alien invasion and the destruction of the Mothership, civilization recovered most of the prosperity it once had. In 2025 a new state of emergency arises as giant aliens and insects are discovered deep underground. The Ravagers have evolved, and are stronger than ever. The Earth Defense Force must now stand up to these terrifying creatures to save humanity once more! The long awaited sequel that hardcore shooter fans demanded, Earth Defense Force®2025 is an action shooting bonanza that arms players to repel the most terrifying invasion of giant aliens the world has ever seen. Equip hundreds of weapons across four character classes and exterminate menacing creatures of all sizes to save the world!

* 配信価格 (税込)

Xbox 360 にダウンロード
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