Bulletstorm™ Demo

리뷰 12개에서 별 5개 중 3.75개
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  1. 리뷰 114개에서 별 5개 중 4개


Bulletstorm™ Demo

Play through the incredible 'Collapsed Building' level in Bulletstorms high scoring 'Echoes ' mode. Arm yourself with the PMC, Flail gun and Screamer pistol and unleash Bulletstorms unique combat mechanics and skillshot system to annihilate your foes and, more importantly, top the leaderboards! Fight your way through a towering high rise hotel that has fallen on it's side, providing you with a unique and beautiful canvas to splatter with your enemies insides! Utilise Gray's kick, leash and sliding abilities in combination with outrageously large guns that feed into Bulletstorm’s distinct ‘skillshot’ system to produce unprecedented levels of frantic gameplay and yell-inducing satisfaction.

Bulletstorm™ Demo
  • 2011-02-01
  • Epic Games / People Can Fly
  • Electronic Arts
  • 슈팅
  1. Bulletstorm™ Demo
    리뷰 12개에서 별 5개 중 3.75개
    • 2011-02-01
    • 1.08 GB
    이 링크를 전자 메일이나 인스턴트 메시지에 복사하여 붙여넣기:
    Play through the incredible 'Collapsed Building' level in Bulletstorms high scoring 'Echoes ' mode. Arm yourself with the PMC, Flail gun and Screamer pistol and unleash Bulletstorms unique combat mechanics and skillshot system to annihilate your foes and, more importantly, top the leaderboards! Fight your way through a towering high rise hotel that has fallen on it's side, providing you with a unique and beautiful canvas to splatter with your enemies insides! Utilise Gray's kick, leash and sliding abilities in combination with outrageously large guns that feed into Bulletstorm’s distinct ‘skillshot’ system to produce unprecedented levels of frantic gameplay and yell-inducing satisfaction.