DiRT Showdown 8 Ball Gameplay Sizzle

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DiRT Showdown 8 Ball Gameplay Sizzle

Check out the ‘Crash and Burn’ gameplay video for arcade racer DiRT Showdown! Set in the sub-baked Nevada desert, eight racers crash, bash and smash through the 8 Ball event, taking on jumps and crossover points as they wow the crowds and sprint for the line. Using boost to speed through gaps and smash rivals, the drivers trade paint and crash out as they battle to become star of the showdown. DiRT Showdown combines pick up and play controls with hyper-energised events on a world tour of motorised mayhem. Use boost in full contact races, crash your way through demolition derby events and unleash stunts and tricks in freestyle hoonigan events. Welcome to DiRT Showdown.

DiRT Showdown 8 Ball Gameplay Sizzle
  • 2012-06-04
  • Codemasters Racing
  • Codemasters Software Company Limited
  • 레이싱 & 비행, 스포츠 & 레크레이션
  1. DiRT Showdown 8 Ball Gameplay Sizzle
    리뷰 0개에서 별 5개 중 0개
    • 2012-06-04
    • 40.95 MB
    이 링크를 전자 메일이나 인스턴트 메시지에 복사하여 붙여넣기:
    Check out the ‘Crash and Burn’ gameplay video for arcade racer DiRT Showdown! Set in the sub-baked Nevada desert, eight racers crash, bash and smash through the 8 Ball event, taking on jumps and crossover points as they wow the crowds and sprint for the line. Using boost to speed through gaps and smash rivals, the drivers trade paint and crash out as they battle to become star of the showdown. DiRT Showdown combines pick up and play controls with hyper-energised events on a world tour of motorised mayhem. Use boost in full contact races, crash your way through demolition derby events and unleash stunts and tricks in freestyle hoonigan events. Welcome to DiRT Showdown.