DiRT Showdown Demo

리뷰 42개에서 별 5개 중 3.25개
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  1. 리뷰 22개에서 별 5개 중 4개


DiRT Showdown Demo

Welcome to the DiRT Showdown demo! Experience full-impact confrontational racing in the 8 Ball event in San Francisco. Boost and barge your way to the finish but watch out for your opponents on the brutal cross-overs. Challenge a friend to play online and unlock the multiplayer Rampage event to satisfy your appetite for destruction in a chaotic demolition derby!

DiRT Showdown Demo
  • 2012-05-08
  • Codemasters Racing
  • Codemasters Software Company Limited
  • 레이싱 & 비행, 스포츠 & 레크레이션
  1. DiRT Showdown Demo
    리뷰 42개에서 별 5개 중 3.25개
    • 2012-05-08
    • 1.16 GB
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    Welcome to the DiRT Showdown demo! Experience full-impact confrontational racing in the 8 Ball event in San Francisco. Boost and barge your way to the finish but watch out for your opponents on the brutal cross-overs. Challenge a friend to play online and unlock the multiplayer Rampage event to satisfy your appetite for destruction in a chaotic demolition derby!