LOST PLANET 2 Co-op Demo

리뷰 42개에서 별 5개 중 3.25개
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LOST PLANET 2 Co-op Demo

LOST PLANET 2's all-new co-op feature allows up to 4 players to team up in Campaign Mode, forming new tactics and strategies to tackle situations that would be impossible alone. This Campaign Mode demo showcases LOST PLANET 2's stunning graphics by pitting you against the most massive Akrid ever seen. By teaming up with different allies around the world, each playthrough of this demo becomes a brand-new experience. Download the LOST PLANET 2 demo and start forming your own battle strategies now!

LOST PLANET 2 Co-op Demo
  • 2009-08-26
  • 액션 & 어드벤처, 슈팅
  1. LOST PLANET 2 Co-op Demo
    리뷰 42개에서 별 5개 중 3.25개
    • 2009-08-26
    • 304.25 MB
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    LOST PLANET 2's all-new co-op feature allows up to 4 players to team up in Campaign Mode, forming new tactics and strategies to tackle situations that would be impossible alone. This Campaign Mode demo showcases LOST PLANET 2's stunning graphics by pitting you against the most massive Akrid ever seen. By teaming up with different allies around the world, each playthrough of this demo becomes a brand-new experience. Download the LOST PLANET 2 demo and start forming your own battle strategies now!