Mass Effect 3 Demo

리뷰 120개에서 별 5개 중 3.5개
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  1. 리뷰 135개에서 별 5개 중 4개


Mass Effect 3 Demo

Fire the first shots in the war to take Earth back! Voted Most Anticipated Game of 2012 at the SpikeTV VGAs, Mass Effect 3 puts you at the center of an all-out galactic war – and how to wage that war is up to you. The demo begins in dramatic fashion with the spectacular attack on Earth, followed by a mid-game section showcasing the groundbreaking interactive storytelling, adrenaline-pumping action, ruthless and intelligent enemies, and deep customization that make Mass Effect 3 the must-have title of 2012. Jump into 4 player co-op missions with your friends in two maps from the full game and earn a wide variety of upgrades for your characters. The multiplayer portion of the demo features an early-access period, so visit to find out how you can be among the first to the front lines!

Mass Effect 3 Demo
  • 2012-02-14
  • 액션 & 어드벤처, 롤 플레잉, Kinect
  1. Mass Effect 3 Demo
    리뷰 120개에서 별 5개 중 3.5개
    • 2012-02-14
    • 1.76 GB
    이 링크를 전자 메일이나 인스턴트 메시지에 복사하여 붙여넣기:
    Fire the first shots in the war to take Earth back! Voted Most Anticipated Game of 2012 at the SpikeTV VGAs, Mass Effect 3 puts you at the center of an all-out galactic war – and how to wage that war is up to you. The demo begins in dramatic fashion with the spectacular attack on Earth, followed by a mid-game section showcasing the groundbreaking interactive storytelling, adrenaline-pumping action, ruthless and intelligent enemies, and deep customization that make Mass Effect 3 the must-have title of 2012. Jump into 4 player co-op missions with your friends in two maps from the full game and earn a wide variety of upgrades for your characters. The multiplayer portion of the demo features an early-access period, so visit to find out how you can be among the first to the front lines!