Upgrades Trailer

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Upgrades Trailer

Renegade Ops allows you to upgrade your character's vehicle both in game via the pick up of various different weapons such as flame throwers or rockets or by collecting upgrade points for you to spend between levels to max out your unique abilities, both offensively and defensively.

Upgrades Trailer
  • 17.08.2011
  • Avalanche
  • SEGA
  • Handling og opplevelse, Skyting
  1. Upgrades Trailer
    0 av 5 stjerner fra 0 omtaler
    • 17.08.2011
    • 56,43 MB
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    Renegade Ops allows you to upgrade your character's vehicle both in game via the pick up of various different weapons such as flame throwers or rockets or by collecting upgrade points for you to spend between levels to max out your unique abilities, both offensively and defensively.