Band of Bugs - Red Kingdom

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Från 3 år
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Band of Bugs - Red Kingdom

Includes a new tile set (red rock) a new campaign consisting of ten levels and two new units (Cavalry and Siege Units). The units and tile set will be accessible to users of the Level Editor. Additionally, the tile set may override the defaults used in some levels of the initial game campaign. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see

Band of Bugs - Red Kingdom
  • 2007-08-08
  • NinjaBee
  • Microsoft Studios
  • Annan, Strategi och simulering, Avatar
  1. Band of Bugs - Red Kingdom
    0 av 5 stjärnor från 0 recensioner
    • 2007-08-08
    • 6,64 MB
    Kopiera och klistra in den här länken i ett e-postmeddelande eller snabbmeddelande:
    Includes a new tile set (red rock) a new campaign consisting of ten levels and two new units (Cavalry and Siege Units). The units and tile set will be accessible to users of the Level Editor. Additionally, the tile set may override the defaults used in some levels of the initial game campaign. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see