Crazy Taxi

Crazy Taxi
3,5 av 5 stjärnor från 188 recensioner
Från 12 år
Crazy Taxi

Hey hey, come on over and have some fun with Crrrrrazy Taxi! Barrel through traffic packed streets, hurdle off parking garages, and Crazy Combo your way to Crazy Money in a wild frantic race to scare up the most fares. In Crazy Taxi, time is money, and only the Craziest Cabbies come out victorious.

Crazy Taxi
  • 2010-11-24
  • SEGA
  • Xbox LIVE Arcade
  • Action och äventyr, Racing- och flygspel, Klassiker
  • Dolby Digital
  • Rankningslistor
Xbox Live


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Trial Game - Crazy Taxi
  • 2010-11-24
  • 208,95 MB
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Hey hey, come on over and have some fun with Crrrrrazy Taxi! Barrel through traffic packed streets, hurdle off parking garages, and Crazy Combo your way to Crazy Money in a wild frantic race to scare up the most fares. In Crazy Taxi, time is money, and only the Craziest Cabbies come out victorious.
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