Doctor Strange (Full)

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Doctor Strange (Full)

The Master Of The Mystic Arts needs your help stopping the two dimension rulers, Dormammu and Nightmare, and their foul ally, Baron Mordo, who are trying to conquer our dimension. Our fate is in your hands! Table features: Increase the Sorcerer Supreme's abilities and skills, including: Arcane, Alchemy, Wisdom, Spirit and Intellect. Test your wisdom on the Eye Of Agamotto special mini playfield. Defeat Baron Mordo and retake The Book Of The Vishanti. Enter the Dark Dimension and defeat its ruler Dormammu. Save the world by entering the Dream Dimension and defeat its ruler Nightmare.

Doctor Strange (Full)
  • 2013-12-18
  • Zen Studios
  • Microsoft Studios
  • Action och äventyr, Sport och fritid
  1. Doctor Strange (Full)
    0 av 5 stjärnor från 0 recensioner
    • 2013-12-18
    • 72,07 MB
    Kopiera och klistra in den här länken i ett e-postmeddelande eller snabbmeddelande:
    The Master Of The Mystic Arts needs your help stopping the two dimension rulers, Dormammu and Nightmare, and their foul ally, Baron Mordo, who are trying to conquer our dimension. Our fate is in your hands! Table features: Increase the Sorcerer Supreme's abilities and skills, including: Arcane, Alchemy, Wisdom, Spirit and Intellect. Test your wisdom on the Eye Of Agamotto special mini playfield. Defeat Baron Mordo and retake The Book Of The Vishanti. Enter the Dark Dimension and defeat its ruler Dormammu. Save the world by entering the Dream Dimension and defeat its ruler Nightmare.