Duke Nukem - Manhattan

Duke Nukem - Manhattan
3,5 av 5 stjärnor från 150 recensioner
Från 16 år
Duke Nukem - Manhattan

Duke Nukem is back! New York City is being overrun by a mutant menace and it’s time to de-worm the Big Apple. This explosive 3D action game features Duke Nukem defending the city that never sleeps, and its babes, from the evil Mech Morphix across 24 levels from Chinatown to Space. A super-sized collection of weapons, enemies and bosses await. As Duke would say, “Babes, Bullets, Bombs. I love this job!” Inga återbetalningar för objektet. För mer information, se www.xbox.com/live/accounts.

Duke Nukem - Manhattan
  • 2010-06-23
  • 3D Realms
  • Gearbox Software
  • Action och äventyr, Shooter-spel
  • Dolby Digital
Xbox Live


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Full Game - Duke Nukem Manhattan Project ™
3,5 av 5 stjärnor från 150 recensioner
  • 2010-06-23
  • 246,70 MB
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Duke Nukem is back! New York City is being overrun by a mutant menace and it’s time to de-worm the Big Apple. This explosive 3D action game features Duke Nukem defending the city that never sleeps, and its babes, from the evil Mech Morphix across 24 levels from Chinatown to Space. A super-sized collection of weapons, enemies and bosses await. As Duke would say, “Babes, Bullets, Bombs. I love this job!” Inga återbetalningar för objektet. För mer information, se www.xbox.com/live/accounts.
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