Michael Phelps: Push the Limit

Michael Phelps: Push the Limit
3,25 av 5 stjärnor från 40 recensioner
Från 3 år
Michael Phelps: Push the Limit

Spel på begäran har stöd för engelska, franska, italienska, tyska, spanska. Get inspired by the greatest athlete ever - Michael Phelps! For the first time ever, experience the fun, fitness and sporting excellence of head to head swimming on Kinect. With innovative, motion-controlled gameplay technology, you can turn your living room into a king-sized pool – big enough for the whole family or a bunch of friends! Splash into Quick Play for a casual match against friends and family, or dive into the world of competitive swimming for a chance to take on Michael Phelps.

Michael Phelps: Push the Limit
  • 2012-06-19
  • Blitz Games Studios
  • 505 Games
  • Familj, Sport och fritid, Kinect
  • Offlinespelare 1 - 2
  • Dolby Digital
  • Flerspelarläge online 2 - 4
  • Rankningslistor
  • Röstchatt
Xbox Live


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Michael Phelps: Push The Limit
3,25 av 5 stjärnor från 40 recensioner
  • 2012-06-19
  • 804,50 MB
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Spel på begäran har stöd för engelska, franska, italienska, tyska, spanska. Get inspired by the greatest athlete ever - Michael Phelps! For the first time ever, experience the fun, fitness and sporting excellence of head to head swimming on Kinect. With innovative, motion-controlled gameplay technology, you can turn your living room into a king-sized pool – big enough for the whole family or a bunch of friends! Splash into Quick Play for a casual match against friends and family, or dive into the world of competitive swimming for a chance to take on Michael Phelps.
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