Raving Rabbids: A&K

Raving Rabbids: A&K

隨選遊戲版本支援 英文, 法文, 義大利文, 德文, 西班牙文, 葡萄牙文. "瘋狂兔子已經入侵過歷史、世界各地、電視節目、月球,這次的目標換成你家啦!牠們會從地板上冒出來,和你面對面挑戰各種荒唐又有趣的遊戲。 瘋狂兔子今年要超乎你的想像,顛覆所有現實,快準備好見識牠們如何在你眼前活蹦亂跳搗亂你生活中所有一切! Kinect 有史以來頭一遭,數也數不清的瘋狂遊戲模式,可讓多達四位玩家一同在客廳追趕跑跳碰! 你想像過自己有一天能和瘋狂兔子近距離面對面嗎?你可以呼牠巴掌、踢牠屁股、把牠擊倒,和牠一起在家中瘋狂玩樂!現在,只要一台 Kinect,就可以把瘋狂兔子請到你家,顛覆既有一切現實。 跳躍、滾動或是用力甩巴掌,你必須用一切動作阻止牠們入侵。準備好跟牠們在最瘋狂的小遊戲上開戰,你一定不想錯過這有史以來最爆笑的派對遊戲。"

Raving Rabbids: A&K
  • 3/11/2011
  • Ubisoft
  • Ubisoft
  • 其他, 闔家, Kinect
  • 離線玩家 1 - 4
  • 離線合作模式 2 - 4
  • Dolby Digital
  • 排行榜
Xbox Live



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Raving Rabbids: Alive & Kicking - Demo
在 43 個評論中獲得 3.25/5 顆星
  • 9/11/2011
  • 648.43 MB
The Rabbids have already invaded the past, the world, your TV, the moon, and now they are set to invade your own home, coming out from the floor and interacting with you through ridiculous and humorous physical challenges. This year with the augmented reality, watch as the Rabbids mess with your life in front of your eyes! For the very 1st time on Kinect, play up to four players simultaneously in a flood of crazy game modes! Have you ever imagined getting so close to a Rabbids that you could slap it, kick it, knock it out and generally have fun with it? You can now with the Augmented Reality enjoy that on Kinect. Jump, roll, slap, dance and more to stop the Rabbids invasion! Go face to face against them with the craziest moves through dozen of new mini-games.
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