Streets of Rage 2

Streets of Rage 2
在 45 個評論中獲得 4/5 顆星
Streets of Rage 2

單人遊戲、Xbox Live 多人遊戲 1-2、HD (高畫質電視)。To commemorate their defeat of the Syndicate exactly one year before, Blaze, Adam and Axel went out to celebrate. The next morning, however, Axel received a frantic phone call from Adam's younger brother, Eddie 'Skate' Hunter. Blaze and Axel rushed over and found Adam and Skate's house wrecked and a picture of Adam chained to a wall at the feet of Mr. X. The city was returned to its nightmarish state and criminals were once again running rampant. Unable to contact their old friend in artillery, Axel and Blaze team up with Skate and Max Thunder to free the city and rescue Adam from the Syndicate. It is up to you to take down Mr. X once and for all!. 本遊戲無法退款。如需詳細資訊,請參閱。

Streets of Rage 2
  • 22/12/2009
  • Digital Eclipse
  • Xbox LIVE Arcade
  • 經典遊戲
  • Dolby Digital
Xbox Live



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完整版遊戲 - Streets of Rage 2
在 45 個評論中獲得 4/5 顆星
  • 29/8/2007
  • 27.62 MB
單人遊戲、Xbox Live 多人遊戲 1-2、HD (高畫質電視)。To commemorate their defeat of the Syndicate exactly one year before, Blaze, Adam and Axel went out to celebrate. The next morning, however, Axel received a frantic phone call from Adam's younger brother, Eddie 'Skate' Hunter. Blaze and Axel rushed over and found Adam and Skate's house wrecked and a picture of Adam chained to a wall at the feet of Mr. X. The city was returned to its nightmarish state and criminals were once again running rampant. Unable to contact their old friend in artillery, Axel and Blaze team up with Skate and Max Thunder to free the city and rescue Adam from the Syndicate. It is up to you to take down Mr. X once and for all!. 本遊戲無法退款。如需詳細資訊,請參閱。
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