The Bluecoats - North vs South

The Bluecoats - North vs South

In the colorful strategy game The Bluecoats - North vs South, you play the head of one of the armies of the Civil War. Your aim is to conquer American territory ! This is a remastered version of the game that was released in 1990, with improved graphics and user-friendliness that are up to current standards. To come out in one piece, you'll have to master taking turns, armed battles in real time, 1 against 30 shoot-outs, and horseback train chases.

The Bluecoats - North vs South
  • 13/9/2016
  • © 2015 Anuman Interactive
  • BANDAI NAMCO Entertainement Europe S.A.S.
  • 策略與模擬
  • 離線玩家 1 - 2
  • Dolby Digital
Xbox Live



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試玩版遊戲 - The Bluecoats - North vs South
  • 14/9/2016
  • 350.45 MB
In the colorful strategy game The Bluecoats - North vs South, you play the head of one of the armies of the Civil War. Your aim is to conquer American territory ! This is a remastered version of the game that was released in 1990, with improved graphics and user-friendliness that are up to current standards. To come out in one piece, you'll have to master taking turns, armed battles in real time, 1 against 30 shoot-outs, and horseback train chases.
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