The Testament of Sherlock Holmes

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
在 15 個評論中獲得 3.75/5 顆星
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes

隨選遊戲版本支援 英文. 如需下載這個遊戲的手冊,請前往 尋找該遊戲,然後選取 [請參閱遊戲手冊]。 Forget everything you thought you knew and discover a Sherlock Holmes darker than ever. The detective’s reputation on the verge of being ruined, the admiration of Doctor Watson toward him is starting to fade and change into hatred as he witnesses his friend committing reprehensible acts. You are Sherlock Holmes, and this is your investigation. Unfold an incredible conspiracy on Xbox® 360!

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
  • Frogwares / Spiders
  • Focus Home Interactive
  • 其他, 動作與冒險
  • Dolby Digital