The Red Envelope Pack

在 29 個評論中獲得 3.25/5 顆星
  1. 在 952 個評論中獲得 3.75/5 顆星


The Red Envelope Pack

Need help buying that fast car, fancy threads or luxury item for your new apartment? For fortune and prosperity download the Red Envelopes Pack. Stuffed with cash, these envelopes are scattered throughout Hong Kong, find them all and you'll net a cool 1 Million HK dollars.

The Red Envelope Pack
  • 21/8/2012
  • United Front Games
  • Square Enix
  • 動作與冒險
  1. The Red Envelope Pack
    在 29 個評論中獲得 3.25/5 顆星
    • 21/8/2012
    • 73.17 MB
    Need help buying that fast car, fancy threads or luxury item for your new apartment? For fortune and prosperity download the Red Envelopes Pack. Stuffed with cash, these envelopes are scattered throughout Hong Kong, find them all and you'll net a cool 1 Million HK dollars.