Zeno Clash 2

Zeno Clash 2

Ghat's story is far from over: Zeno Clash 2 picks up where the deliciously brazen first game left off. After 4 years of waiting, the sequel to ACE Team’s surreal first-person brawler brings more variety in combat and levels, stunning upgraded visuals, and even more bizarre storytelling into the beguiling stonepunk world of Zenozoik. Zeno Clash 2 welcomes new players to the Zeno Clash universe with a new game that will introduce them to the world and fill them in on the backstory. Returning players will delight in the connections between the Ghat’s and Rimat’s new quest and their past adventures. All players will thoroughly enjoy playing a first-person brawler that provides a rarity in modern gaming: a truly unique experience.

Zeno Clash 2
  • 26/7/2013
  • ACE Team
  • 動作與冒險, 打鬥
  • Dolby Digital
  • 線上多人遊戲 1 - 2
  • 線上合作模式 1 - 2
  • 排行榜
  • 語音交談
Xbox Live



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試玩版遊戲 - Zeno Clash 2
  • 26/7/2013
  • 1.07 GB
Ghat's story is far from over: Zeno Clash 2 picks up where the deliciously brazen first game left off. After 4 years of waiting, the sequel to ACE Team’s surreal first-person brawler brings more variety in combat and levels, stunning upgraded visuals, and even more bizarre storytelling into the beguiling stonepunk world of Zenozoik. Zeno Clash 2 welcomes new players to the Zeno Clash universe with a new game that will introduce them to the world and fill them in on the backstory. Returning players will delight in the connections between the Ghat’s and Rimat’s new quest and their past adventures. All players will thoroughly enjoy playing a first-person brawler that provides a rarity in modern gaming: a truly unique experience.
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